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Ortho Patient Education Tools in Patients Primary Language:
Assessment and Planning
First visit and ongoing:
Assess for other disciplines: PT, OT, Speech, SW and HHA. If needed:

  • Obtain approval from D.O.N
  • Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders; write and send interim orders.
  • Request in managed care report.

Reassess d/c plan at every visit
If further visits needed- at least 1 week prior to planned d/c date:

  • Obtain approval from D.O.N
  • Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders, write and send interim orders.
  • Write managed care report 1 week prior to any change.


  1. Assess and reconcile all medications including pain meds. Instruct in purpose, route, frequency, side effects.
  2. Assess LE edema, DVT: negative Homan’s sign, SOB, cardiac complications.
  3. Assess surgical site for s/s infection.
  4. Assess home safety and instruct basic home safety precautions to prevent injuries/falls.
  5. Instruct in how and when to call for help; s/s to report to RN or MD.
  6. Instruct pain management with prescribed meds and other modalities, as indicated.
  7. Collaborate with ordered Rehab Therapist.


  1. Knowledge of reasons to take medications as ordered with understanding of route, frequency, purpose and side effects, as appropriate. (V)
  2. Compliance with DVT prophylaxis, if indicated.
  3. Understanding of pain regimen and purpose for pain management for rehab. (V)
  4. Compliance with home safety recommendations. (D&V)
  5. Knowledge of when to call for help; s/s to report to RN/PT/MD. (V)
  6. Compliance with Rehab and Home exercise program, if indicated. (D)
  7. Ability to safely ambulate and safely transfer. (D)