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COPD Patient Education Tools in Patients Primary Language:
Assessment and Planning

First visit and ongoing:

Assess for other disciplines: PT, OT, Speech, SW, and HHA, If needed:

  • Obtain approval from D.O.N
  • Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders; write and send Interim orders.
  • Request in Managed Care Report.

Reassess d/c plan at every visit
If further visits needed- at least 1 week prior to planned d/c date:

  • Obtain approval from D.O.N
  • Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders, write and send Interim orders.
  • Write Managed care report.


  1. Assess and reconcile all medications. Instruct in purpose, route, frequency, side effects.
  2. Assess respiratory status including lung sounds, respiration rate, depth, rhythm, use accessory muscles.
  3. Assess level of dyspnea with activity and at rest, not change in status.
  4. Instruct: avoid stressors that may precipitate exacerbation of disease (including temperature extremes and infection).
  5. Instruct: S/S of respiratory infection: temperature, change in sputum color to yellow/green, increased viscosity.
  6. Instruct: administration of oxygen if applicable.
  7. Instruct: use, abuse of PRN inhalers.
  8. Instruct: maintenance, cleaning, and care of respiratory equipment if applicable.
  9. Instruct: high calorie/high carbohydrate foods and fluids.
  10. Instruct: importance of increased fluids to liquefy respiratory secretions.
  11. Instruct: avoid gas-forming foods to prevent gastric distention and decreased lung expansion.
  12. Instruct: body positioning to enhance upper airway availability, semi fowlers/sitting upright/leaning over bed table.
  13. Instruct: energy conservation techniques.
  14. Assess home for fire extinguisher and other oxygen safety precautions.


  1. Three (3) S/S of respiratory infection to report. (V)
  2. Effect of stressors on disease, breathing lifestyle. (V)
  3. Need to take medications as ordered with understanding of route, frequency, purpose and side effects, as appropriate.
  4. Correct use of oxygen, nebulizers, inhalers, as appropriate. (V)
  5. Effective coughing & deep breathing exercises. (D)
  6. Correct use of bronchodilators, expectorants/nebulizers. (D)
  7. Three (3) gas-forming foods and reasons to avoid. (V)
  8. Adequate fluid intake to liquefy secretion. (V)
  9. Two (2) techniques for energy conservation. (D&V)
  10. Proper body positioning. (V)
  11. Three (3) safety issues regarding use of oxygen. (V)
  12. Avoiding stressful situations. (V)