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Stroke Patient Education Tools in Patients Primary Language:
Assessment and Planning
First visit and ongoing:
Assess for other disciplines: PT, OT, Speech, SW, and HHA. If needed:

  • Obtain approval from D.O.N
  • Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders; write and send interim orders.
  • Request in Managed Care report.

Reassess d/c plan at every visit
If further visits needed- at least 1 week prior to planned d/c date:

  • Obtain approval from D.O.N
  • Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders, write and send interim orders.
  • Write Managed Care report 1 week prior to any change.


  1. Assess and reconcile all medications. Instruct in purpose, route, frequency, side effects.
  2. Assess neurological status including posture, muscle mass, atrophy, ROM, motor function, sensory function, and mental function.
  3. Assess speech including safe swallowing.
  4. Instruct on anticoagulant precautions if appropriate.
  5. Evaluate knowledge of measures to prevent/relieve pressure, friction, shearing if appropriate.
  6. Evaluate compliance with ROM exercise or other exercises.
  7. Evaluate effectiveness of bowel/bladder training program if appropriate.
  8. Evaluate need for absorption products (diaper) or external catheter products if appropriate.
  9. Instruct on emergency response systems available for home settings.
  10. Assess caregiver for stress/potential risk for caregiver burnout.


  1. Three (3) abnormal findings from a neurological self-assessment. (V)
  2. Need to take medications as ordered with understanding of route, frequency, purpose, and side effects, as appropriate. (V)
  3. Improvement in thought process. (D)
  4. Three (3) anticoagulant precautions, if appropriate. (V)
  5. Ability to take blood pressure properly. (D)
  6. Skin care for incontinence, if appropriate. (V)
  7. Safe ambulation and transfer. (D)
  8. Progression with planned activity schedule. (D)
  9. Need for supervision if judgment is impaired. (V)
  10. Two (2) emergency response systems available for home use and how to obtain. (V)
  11. Safe feeding methods. (V)
  12. Methods of bowel and bladder retraining. (V)
  13. Adequate bowel/urinary function/control. (D)
  14. Ability to communicate using alternative nonverbal methods. (D)