Ortho Patient Education Tools in Patients Primary Language:
Assessment and Planning
First visit and ongoing:
Assess for other disciplines: PT, OT, Speech, SW and HHA. If needed:
- Obtain approval from D.O.N
- Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders; write and send interim orders.
- Request in managed care report.
Reassess d/c plan at every visit
If further visits needed- at least 1 week prior to planned d/c date:
- Obtain approval from D.O.N
- Speak with MD, obtain verbal orders, write and send interim orders.
- Write managed care report 1 week prior to any change.
- Assess and reconcile all medications including pain meds. Instruct in purpose, route, frequency, side effects.
- Assess LE edema, DVT: negative Homan’s sign, SOB, cardiac complications.
- Assess surgical site for s/s infection.
- Assess home safety and instruct basic home safety precautions to prevent injuries/falls.
- Instruct in how and when to call for help; s/s to report to RN or MD.
- Instruct pain management with prescribed meds and other modalities, as indicated.
- Collaborate with ordered Rehab Therapist.
- Knowledge of reasons to take medications as ordered with understanding of route, frequency, purpose and side effects, as appropriate. (V)
- Compliance with DVT prophylaxis, if indicated.
- Understanding of pain regimen and purpose for pain management for rehab. (V)
- Compliance with home safety recommendations. (D&V)
- Knowledge of when to call for help; s/s to report to RN/PT/MD. (V)
- Compliance with Rehab and Home exercise program, if indicated. (D)
- Ability to safely ambulate and safely transfer. (D)